Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Going deeper into learning

After a busy couple of weeks managing the logistics of putting the ipod touches into place including synching, downloading audiobooks and podcasts, we are now looking at how the touches can start to improve learning in a meaningful way.
Both Mr. Cross and I were looking at ways to go beyond the simple "math games" apps. We are looking for ways to transform learning. Both of us have used technology in ways with authentic purposes and moving from using technology for simple drill and practice to creating a learning environment which students regularly engage in activities that would have been impossible without technology (or at least very difficult). There is a fabulous Technology Integration Matrix here that helps illustrate our point(see image below)

A good example of transformative learning experience using an iPod Touch app is Evernote.
Mr. Cross had a great idea of students making text and voice notes about a book they are reading. Students would then tag there posts with their name and since all students had the same Evernote account, these notes would then appear on their iPod Touch. Students could read their notes and add to what their partner put (much the same as Google Docs). All these notes could be organized on a laptop and then uploaded to his class blog. Could this have been done without this technology? Maybe. It certainly wouldn't have been as interactive nor would the teacher have a digital record of this.

So what other ideas are we working on? The Grade 3 class will be starting a unit on the Solar System so using the iMovie app, students will be making "Captain's Log" (ala Star Trek) entries into iMovie, editing them and publishing them. Alas, I cannot take credit for this idea...this was all Mr. Cross!

1 comment:

  1. Very exciting! Thanks for sharing detailed ideas and real academic app uses... aka "beyond math games". We just unwrapped our first class set today- the journey begins! Looking forward to exchanging more ideas and learning from your experiences!
